Upcoming Events





Monthly Newsletter:


Stay tuned for exciting news and events 





There are lots of exciting shows, and training events coming up. Whether you're a novice rider looking for a fun day out on the beach or out on a cross-country ride. Or maybe you are an experienced rider looking for show jumping shows all over Leinster, hunter trail competitions, training day and a fun day out come into the office to see what's upcoming!




Wexford Equestrian Interschools Final 2-4-23

90cm Individuals

2nd Sophie Crosthwaite & Abbey 

CoilÓg Interschools 25-3-23

90cm Individuals

1st Sophie Crosthwaite & Abbey

4th Sean Fenton & Blue


80cm Individuals

4th Sophie Crosthwaite & Abbey 

 Killossery Interschools 5-2-23

80cm individuals

3rd Lauren Weir & Joey

3rd Overall Sophie Crosthwaite & Abbey

Killossery Interschools 29-1-23

80cm individuals

2nd Abbey & Sophie

Killossery Inter-Yards 22-1-23

50cm- 1st (team 1) 2nd (team 2)

Riders team 1: Libby Hamilton & Apachi, Tom Sweeney & Flicka, Ioana Constantinescu & Romeo, Ciara Doyle & Tia

Riders team 2: Alice Koloskova & Charlie, Amelia Brady & Percy, Jenna Daly & Misty, Maya Crisan & Cosmo


60cm- 1st (team 1) 2nd (team 2) 3rd (team 3)

Riders team 1: Lauren Weir & Joey, Amelia Brady & Percy, Jenna Daly & Misty, Tom Sweeny & Flicka

Riders team 2: Hannah Younge & Hayley, Eibhlin Coffey & Comet, Amy Rolland & Jasmine, Alice Koloskava & Charlie

Riders team 3: Sean Fenton & Blue, Ioana Constantinescu & Romeo, Ciara Doyle & Tia, Emma Babos & Malibu


70cm- 2nd (team 1) 3rd (team 2)

Riders team 1: Heather Lennon & Harley, Lauren Weir & Joey, Saorise Ahern Grey & Lucky, Eibhlin Coffey & Comet

Riders team 2: Hannah Younge & Hayley, Sean Fenton & Blue, Amelia Brady & Percy, Amy Rolland & Jasmine



Riders: Gina Donolova & Magnum, Charlotte Kelly & Buttercup, Heather Lennon & Harley, Saorise Ahern Grey & Lucky



Riders: Gina Donolova & Magnum, Charlotte Kelly & Buttercup, Heather Lennon & Harley, Emma Babos Joey


Killossery Inter-Yards 8-1-23

Crosspoles 1st

40cm- 1st

Riders: Tom Sweeney & Flicka, Maya Crisan & Cosmo, Holly Robbins & Romeo, Doireann Collins & Blossom


50cm- 1st

Riders: Philipa Lucy & Amber, Jenna Daly & Misty, Gina Donolova & Rio, Alice Koloscova


60cm- 1st

Riders: Philipa Lucey & Amber, Eibhlin Coffey & Comet, Hannah Younge & Hayley, Jenna Daly & Misty


70cm 2nd (team 1) 3rd (team 2) 4th (team 3)

Riders team 1

Sophie Crosthwaite & Abbey, Alyona Francis & Shadow, Alice Koloskova & Charlie, Gina Donolova & Magnum

Riders team 2

Heather Lennon & Harley, Eibhlin Coffey & Comet, Amy Rolland & Jasmine, Saorise Aherngrey, Lucky

Riders team 3

Hannah Younge & Hayley, Emma Babos & Joey, Gina Donolova & Rio, David Francis & Blue


80cm 2nd (team 1) 5th (team 2)

Riders team 1

Sophie Crosthwaite & Abbey, Heather Lennon & Harley, Saorise Ahern Grey & Lucky, Gina Donolova, Magnum

Riders team 2

David Francis & Blue, Alyona Francis & Shadow, Charlotte Kelly & Buttercup, Amy Rolland & Jasmine


90cm- 3rd

Gina Donolova & Magnum, Charlotte Kelly & Buttercup, Emma Babos & Joey, Sophie Crosthwaite & Abbey


Killosery Interschools 4-12-22

80cm Individuals

1st Sophie Crosthwaite & Abbey

Killosery Interschools 20-22-22

80cm Individuals

3rd Sophie Crosthwaite & Abbey


Coolgreany 25-9-22

Frank Kavanagh Perpetual Cup (80cm)

1st Sophie Crosthwaite & Abbey

2nd Saoirse Ahernegray & Lucky


Andy Condren Perpetual Cup (85cm)

3rd Emma Babos & Silver

4th Amy Rolland & Jasmine 


Noel Scott Perpetual Cup (90cm)

1st Emma Babos & Silver


Coillte Perpetual Cup (95cm)

1st Emma Babos & Silver


Fr. Jerry O'Brien Perpetual Trophy (1m)

1st Emma Babos & Abbey










3RD: Emma Babos (Abbey) & 

2nd: Alyona Francis (Shadow) &  David Francis (Chino)



1st: Emma Babos (Lucky) & Jack Beausang (Custard)

2nd: Sarah Gadaloff (Rocky)

6th: Anais Potocki (Jasber)





Kilmacanogue Horse Show 2017


Well done to all 22 riders who competed at the Kilmacanogue horse show




Ridden Class 13-16 A                                                    Style and Appearance 13-16 A                                 Ridden Class 13- 16 B

1st Rachel Stephens - Dory                                          1st: Julia Coleman - Lucky ​                          1st: Niamh Burke - Beau

5th Eimear Burke - Bella                                               6th: Eimear Burke - Bella ​                           3rd: Bobbie Hickey - Savannah

                                                                                                                                                                                 5th: Eva Himpers - Tiffany

                                                                                                                                                                                  6th: Ellen Carroll - Sky



Style and Appearance 8-12 B                                        Ridden Class 8-12 B                                                   Ridden Class 8-12 A

1st: Lara Ryan - Joey                                                       1st :Lara Ryan - Joey                                                  3rd: Jack Beausang

4th: Lily Nadir - Snowy                                                    3rd: Lily Nadir - Snowy ​                             4th: Maya Thompson

                                                                                            4th: Maya Thompson - Holly



Style and Appearance 13-16 B                                   Style and Appearance 8-12 A             

2nd: Bobbie Hickey - Savannah ​                     1st: Maya Thompson - Holly                      

 3rd : Alyona Francis - Shadow



Performance Hunter 60s                                               Performance Hunter 80s                                  Welcome to Dressage:

1st: Julia Coleman - Lucky                                              1st: Emma Babos - Chino                                  2nd: Lara Ryan - Joey

4th: Ellen Carroll - Sky                                                                                                                                   5th: Lily Nadir - Snowy

5th: Lily Nadir - Snowy 



Pairs :                                                                                                                                    

B- 2nd: Emma Babos & Natali Keckesova                                                                       

A- 2nd : Ellen Carroll & Alyona Francis

B- 4th: Lara Ryan & Kate Thompson

A- 4th: Maya Thompson & Rachel Stephens                                                                  Obedient Pony                 

A- 6th: Juliette G & Jessica Milmo Penny                                                                        5th: Rachel Stephens - Dory

A- 7th: Lily Nadir & Julia Coleman


Image may contain: 1 person, horse, sky, grass, outdoor and nature


Flavours of Fingal 26th June 2016

Well done to everyone that took part in the clear round jumping. Brilliant riding from all.


Bellivor Horse Show

Paddocks Teams placed 1st, 3rd and 5th.


Killossery jumping show Saturday 26th March 2016


Speed class
1st Emma Babos
2nd Lily Nadir
3rd Abbey Carroll
4th Julia Coleman
5th David Francis
6th Natali K


Grand Prix
1st Emma Babos
2nd Zara Kelly
3rd Robyn Furlong
4th Eva Himpers
4th Rachel Stevens
5th David Francis
6th Julia Coleman


Pairs Relay
1st David & Alyona
2nd Eva & Sebastien
3rd Julia & Lily
4th Emma & Elisa
5th Zara & Abbey
6th Andrew & Natali





Well done to Emma Babos, Zara Kelly and Natali Keckosva that took part in the All Ireland Hunter Trials Championship



Carlow Hunter Tails - 6th March 2016

   Well done to Zara Kelly and Robyn Furlong who came 3rd in the pre novice pairs and well done to Natali Keckesova and Sebastien Guillemet who came 6th in pre novice pairs



4th October Bel Air Hunter Trails


Open Singles          2nd Emma Babos - Abbey                              Pr e Novice Pairs

Novice Singles        2nd Emma Babos - Nero             3rd Robyn Furlong & Zara Kelly - Savanna & Pip

Pre Novice Singles 1st Julia Coleman - Rocky            6th Daisy Reynolds & Yvette Spain - Rocky & Magnum

                             4th Daisy Reynolds - Rocky

                            7th Natali Keckosova - Abbey


Kilmac 2015


Class 30 : Performance hunter                                                                    Class 10: obedient pony
2nd : Mäeva Lopez ~ chino                                                                          A: 3rd : Lily Nadir ~ Snowy                                                                                                         4th : Dominique Jones ~ Conan

Class 1A : First Ridden :                                                                                                                                                            1st : Dominique Jones ~Conan                                                                 B: 4th : Natali Keskesova ~ Joey    
2nd : May Thompson ~Sparkie                                                                    5th : Emma Babos ~ Nero 

Class 5A riding class 10-12 years of age                                                  Class 5B 11-15 years of age
2nd : Julia Coleman ~ Rocky                                                                         1st : Natali Keskesova ~ Joey
3rd : Robyn Furlong ~ Divo                                                                            2nd : Emma Babos ~ Nero
4th : Niamh Burke ~ Shadow                                                                   3rd : Rachel Keenan Dillon ~ Lucky  
6th : Rachel Stevens ~ Kelly                                                                         4th : Eva Himpers ~ Ebony


Class 6A pairs riding class                                                                          Class 6B pairs riding class :
1st  : Mäeva Lopez ~ Chino & Robyn Furlong ~ Divo                     1st : Emma Babos ~ Nero & Natali Keckosova ~ Joey
2nd : Zara Kelly ~ Pippin & Candace Jones ~ Lady                4th : Sophie Nugent ~ Tilly & Rachel Keenan Dillon ~ Lucky     
3rd : Julia Coleman ~ Rocky & Lily Nadir ~ Snowy
4th : Isabella Romoli ~ Quirkie & Maya Thompson ~ Sparkie
5th : Daisy Reynolds ~ Holly & Abbey Carroll ~ Misty

Class 8 Style & Appearance
1st : Emma Babos ~ Nero                                                 
3rd : Natali Keskesova ~ Joey
4th : Mäeva Lopez ~ chino
6th : Eimear Burke ~ Chester


9A Riding Class 10-12 years of age                                                     9B riding Class 13- 15
1st : Mia Hanlanwade ~Apachi                                                                3rd : Zara Kelly ~ Pip.
6th : Lily Nadir ~ Snowy



Brittas Bay Summer Gymkana

60cm                                                                                              70cm

1st Emma Babos on Nero                                                                3rd Emma Babos on Nero

2nd Lauren Doyle on Ebony                                                              5th Lauren Doyle on Chino

                       3rd Daisy Reynolds on Holly

                       5th Abbey Carroll on Prince


80cm                                                                                                  90cm

4th Lauren Doyle on Chino                                                       2nd Aurelie Demont on Lucky

                         5rd Lauren Doyle on Ebony


Paddocks June Bank Holiday Show Jumping 2015

  1st - Emma Babos and Aurelie Demont                 1st - Julia Coleman

         2nd - Beth Sweeney                                    2nd - Rachel Stevens

     3rd - Robyn Furlong                                   3rd - Grace Sandys

4th -Heather Roche Griffin                          4th - Vera Krill



Paddocks June Bank Holiday Cross Country 2015

1st - Emma Babos and Nikki Frei

2nd - Julia Coleman

3rd - Lara Ryan

4th - Rachel Stevens

5th - Lily Nadir

6th - Niamh Murry


St Patrick's Day Team Classic Challenge 2015

1st -Team no. 12 - The Paddocks Prancing Paddies

2nd - Team No. 8 - The Paddocks Trotting Treasures

4th - Team No. 4 - The Paddocks Superstars

5th - Team No. 9 - The Paddocks Shamrock Shetlands

6th - Team No. 11 - The Paddocks Cantering Clovers


Congratulations to everyone placed and a big congrats to all the members of the winning team. Well done to everyone that competed. It was a great day, so many clear rounds. All riders and horses and ponies were a amazing. A big thank you to Denise and Mrs C for another great winning day.



February Advanced Pony Camp

Congratulations to Eva Himpers and Lara Ryan coming 1st in their classes in the advanced pony camp show.


Bank Holiday 27th October - Perpetual Team Challenge

1st- Paddocks Monster Mash

2nd - Paddocks Gremlins

3rd - Paddocks Spookers

4th - Paddocks Galloping Ghosts

5th - Paddocks Freaky Frankensteins


25th October  - GreenValley Team Classic


Congratulations to Lorraine O'Mear, Geraldine Dunne, Pascaline Albin and Yvette Spain for winning first place in the GreenValley Riding Club Team Classic. Great job ladies.


Kilmac Show 2014


Well done to everyone that took part. Lots of rosettes were brought home. Riders and ponies looked fantastic. Thank you to all the supporters and helpers. It was a great day out.


17th March 2014 - St Patrick's Team Challenge


1st - The Paddocks Posers

2nd - The Paddocks Green Angels

3rd - The Paddocks Flyers

5th - The Paddocks Crackers

6th - The Paddocks Prancers


Well done to everyone that took part, everyone rode fantasticaly well. A big thank you to all the supporters.


28th October 2013 - Perpetual Team Cup Challenge


Congratulations to everyone who took part in the team jumping challenge. You all did fantastic!!!


2nd - The Paddocks Little Angels

3rd - The Paddocks Rave from the Grave

4th - The Paddocks B Headed

5th - The Paddocks Lost Souls

6th - The Paddocks Ghost Riders


A very special well done to Sinead Dargan who won the Pumpkin Challenge



Sunday 13th October 2013 - Hunter Trials, Bel Air, Co. Wicklow


2nd Pre Novice Pairs - Adele Collins (Heather) and Sofie Holland (Bart)


Well done to Adele Collins (Heather) and Sofie Holland ( Bart) for winning 2nd in the pre novice in Bel Air. Horses and riders are over the moon. Lauren Doyle and Lucky both entered their first hunter trials and blazed clear in the pre novice. All at the Paddocks are so proud of Lucky. Well done to everyone that took part.


Saturday 21st September 2013 - Hunter Trials, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow


2nd Pre Novice Pairs - Trish Cosgrove (Spirit) and Majella Howard (Montana)

3rd Pre Novice Pairs - Adele Collins (Heather) and Natalie Roche Griffin (Diego)

4th Pre Novice Pairs - Yvette Spain (Abbey) and Sophie Nugent (Diego)

3rd Pre Novice Singles - Majella Howard (Montana)


Wow!! Fantastic results from all. Congrats everyone to took part. What a great day!!


Saturday 6th September 2013 - Hunter Trials, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow


3rd Pre Novice Singles - Majella Howard (Montana)


Congratulations to Majella and Montana, you were both amazing out there.


Boswell Gymkanna 30th September Results


Riding Class: 1st Emma Babos - Ralph

                         2nd Lydia Magee - Cassie

                       3rd Sophie Holland - Bart

                            4th Grace Johnston - Sparkie

                    Pairs Riding Class: 1st Lydia Magee and Emma Babos

                 Obedient Pony <10 Class: 3rd Emma Babos - Ralph

                 Obedient Pony >10 Class: 1st Lydia Magee - Cassie

                                            2nd Sophie Holland - Bart

                                                 3rd Grace Johnston - Sparkie

Fancy Dress: 2nd Emma Babos - Ralph


Show Jumping

Clear Round 60cm: Lydia Magee

                               Emma Babos

                                   Grace Johnston

                                  Sophie Holland

Clear Round 70cm: Lydia Magee


Well Done to all that took part!!! You all did amazingly well today!!

Special thanks to Denise and Mrs C for all their help on the day!!



Kilmacanogue Summer Show 28th July Results


                                       Aoife Conway,  Flash  - 1st Ridden Class

                                       Nicole Hughes,  Freckles  - 2nd First Ridden

                                                                                  4th Obedient Pony

                                                                                  4th Style and Appearance

                                       Maeva Lopez,  Ralph  - 3rd Obedient Pony

                                                                            3rd Style and Appearance

                                       Lauren Doyle,  Merlin  - 2nd Style and Appearance

                                                                             10th Ridden Class

                                       Lydia Magee,  Prince  - 6th Ridden Class

                                                                            6th Style and Appearance

                                       Klaudia Sz,  Divo  - 2nd Style and Appearance

                                       Emma Babos,  Pip  - 1st Style and Appearance

                                                                        3rd Fancy Dress

                                                                        5th Ridden Class

                                       Eileen Connors,  Star  - 2nd Lead Rein

                                       Pascaline Albin,  Chino  - 2nd Pleasure Horse over 15hh

                                       Cait Lynch,  Glen  - 7th Pleasure Horse over 15hh

                                       Lily Farrell and Lydia Magee,  Bebe and Prince - 1st Pairs Riding Class

Tinahealy Summer Show 6th August

Clear Round Jumping

Lydya Mcgee Placed 1st in The Phealan Cup

Boswell Summer Show11th August

Show Classes and Clear Round Jumping


(Lots More Shows and events to be added)


Birthday parties

We host the best birthday parties in Dublin!

All sorts of Parties for adults or children catered for. We can cater for up to 30 children at any time whether total beginners, advanced riders or a mixture. The birthday boy or girl will get a rosette as a reminder of their very special day at The Paddocks. With one hour riding you can choose from a one hour riding lesson, a one hour walk in the mountains (being led if necessary) or half an hour lesson followed by half an hour walk in the mountains. Afterwards the children can groom the ponies or play pony games until its time for food. Menu includes pizza, crisps, sweet and soft drinks or juice served in our heated party room. Balloons, party table cloth, etc provided. Prices from 30 euro per child and adults can join in the fun or sit back and let our fully qualified capable staff do all the work while parents can enjoy a coffee in front of the fire.





Pre Hunting Courses

To get you ready for the next fun step.

Private Hunts

These are run through the forestry in our own back yard. Be prepared for beautiful scenery and exciting terrain.




Click here for great prices on equipment

Upcoming Events 2024

  • 29/9/24: Johnstown Coolgreaney Gymkhana 
  • Interschools Showjumping 
  • Training Events 
  • BHS training (ongoing)
  • RDS preparation lessons
  • 28/10/24: Boswell Fun Day

Intensive Beginner Learning Group

Saturday at 10am

Beginner Children's lesson of smaller group size

New 10 lesson term beginning November 23rd 2024. 

* 3 Spaces Remaining *

€450 for 10 group lessons (T&Cs apply)

Midterm Pony Camp 2025


Week beginning 17th February 2025


FULL DAY 10 - 3  €350

HALF DAY 10 - 1 €280

Details available on the pony camp page

Booking requires payment in full 

Payment Details

To book using a bank transfer, please contact us via email to receive the necessary details and ensure a smooth booking process.


New Improver/Beginner Children's Lesson (smaller group size)

Saturday at 12pm

Improver/Beginner Childrens' lesson of smaller group size (max. 6 children)

New 10 lesson term beginning November 23rd 2024. 

€450 for 10 group lessons (T&Cs apply)







Please look at the 'lesson' page for details. 

48hr cancellation policy

Private walkouts available every day (during summer holidays)



Private and group lessons and walkouts available.

Please call 0872237981 for details.



Beginner Lesson

Every Saturday at 10 o'clock, and 2 o'clock. Sunday at 2 o'clock 

Suitable for adults and children

1 hour lesson

€50 for adults or €400 for 10*

€45 for children or €380 for 10*

Phone 0872237981 for more details

​*to be used within 11 weeks

Riders are assessed on an ongoing basis and allocated a space in a lesson of an appropriate standard 

Lessons and walkouts

Available most days

Scenic, gentle walking treks only with leaders at all times. 

Don't hesitate to call to check availability

Phone 0872237981 for more details


Competition Training Events 

Coming Soon!!!

Booking deposit required

Phone 0872237981 for more details


Birthday Parties

   A fun and exciting way to celebrate a birthday

Please look at the bottom of 'lessons page' for details

 Phone 0872237981 for more details


Locate Us

Click to view location map
(Click map above to view)